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2022 – Our Year of Wellness

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  • 4 min read

Last post of 2021!!! (sorry, it’s a long one!)

I am so grateful and thankful for all your support over this year.

My clinic has grown to a busy practice and I have been lucky to have been involved in some great projects which also have some exciting developments in planning for next year. So watch this space!

I also want to look ahead to 2022 and I am making this our Year of Wellness. Let’s spend this coming year nourishing, supporting and optimising our physical, mental and spiritual health.

The word ‘DIET’ has so many negative connotations – restriction, regimented, bad and good foods, guilt, self-sabotage.

This year, instead of focusing on deprivation and strict rules, try a new approach – start to emphasise nourishment and nutrition, self-love and self-care.Shifting the attention from what not to eat to what to eat can bring greater commitment and therefore longer-term success and benefit.

Healthy eating should include all food groups, plenty of whole foods and as few processed foods as possible.

A New Year Reset is almost more about a mental reset than a diet one. Starting to prioritise our health and wellbeing reaps rewards not just for ourselves, but for the people around us as we start to be happier, more balanced and, generally, just nicer to be around!

As adults, we are taught to be givers – we are partners, parents, offspring, siblings, workers and friends. We think it is selfish to take time out for self-care but by looking after ourselves better we can ensure we are well and able to fulfil our responsibilities to others. You are worth it.

So, how to implement this new you for 2022? Here are my top 5 tips to get you started.

1. Aim for 10 fresh vegetables/fruits per day. The clichéd ‘5 a day’ is simply not enough in todays’ world where the nutrients in our produce are greatly diminished and the stresses of modern life mean we need more than ever.

2. Eat a good source of protein with EVERY meal – chicken breast, eggs, fish, tofu or a good quality protein powder

3. Drink more water – we are over 60% water and we need it – most of us are slightly dehydrated most of the time and this leads to fatigue, poor skin, bloating and reduced immune function.

4. If you want a treat – enjoy it, savour it and then move on. A small treat that you enjoy guilt-free will do you no harm and a little bit of what you fancy does you good. You can’t lose weight eating one salad, and you won’t get fat eating one piece of cake.

5. Take 10 minutes every evening to reflect on your day. What did you eat? Did you enjoy it? How did it make you feel? What will you eat tomorrow to make you feel good? And then, breathe, take a bath, light a scented candle, drink a herbal tea and get some beauty sleep.

If you really want to kickstart 2022, don’t forget to sign up for the 21-Day Wellness Reset which starts on 3rd January. There are still a few places available and it promises to be a very engaging, supportive and informative experience. DM me here to book.

One to one packages have also been booking up for January so if you are considering getting to grips with your own specific wellness and nutrition goals this coming year then book a call with me.I am always happy to spend some time on the phone giving some quick tips and discussing how my consultations can help you. There’s never any obligation.