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5 Tips to Beat the Bloat

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  • 2 min read

So many clients tell me they are struggling with bloating, they feel they look 6 months’ pregnant at the end of the day or they feel uncomfortably full after eating. 

It’s disheartening and frustrating to say the least, right? 

What causes bloating?

In truth, there are many different root causes for bloating but the main ones are:

A food intolerance or difficulty digesting certain sugars found in some vegetables, wheat-based products and processed foods or drinks.

An imbalance of gut flora, or SIBO, can mean the ‘wrong’ bacteria are feeding on your digested food, causing excess gas.

Low stomach acid or pancreatic bile levels will slow digestion, allowing fermentation.

5 tips to beat the bloat.

  1. Eat smaller meals and chew your food properly.
  2. If you suspect an intolerance, either try an elimination diet or arrange a test at my clinic.
  3. Try a Low FODMAP diet to remove the sugars that feed the bacteria.
  4. Ensure you have enough fibre in your diet for efficient digestion.
  5. Take a good quality probiotic to ensure a healthy gut flora. 

When to seek medical advice?

Although bloating is very common in my clinic, I would always recommend a visit to the GP if the bloating is new, persists all day or just to put my client’s mind at rest. 

Very rarely, bloating can be a sign of a gastrointestinal disease such as Irritable Bowel Disease or even some cancers. If in doubt, check it out!