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Five Foods For Everyday

It’s Summer now and whether you are off on holiday or enjoying the sun (hopefully) at home, it’s hard to stick completely to a nutrition routine when your daily routine is out of kilter or if you’re at the mercy of hotels and restaurants when travelling.

Rather than stressing about the lack of control, find some simple rules that you can stick to and that will mean you don’t go far wrong, while allowing some flexibility too.

Instead of creating rules and depriving myself, I prefer to use positive boundaries that help me make better choices without feeling restricted.

These are the five foods I try to include daily to ensure a good mix of nutrients, regardless of what else I may be eating over the day.

  1. Berries – rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, berries are a real superfood with many health benefits. They also provide plenty of fibre without piling on calories. Antioxidants are particularly helpful when we need to detox from travelling, alcohol and overindulging. Berries are coming into season now and so are also naturally very sweet.
  2. Yogurt – by which I mean plain Greek of course! Any fermented food is good for gut health and yogurt is generally easily accessible here and abroad. Supporting gut health keeps the bloat at bay and helps the digestive system handle any dietary changes when travelling.
  3. Fish – mix it up. Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and herring) for omega 3 which helps reduce inflammation and support healthy hormone balance and white fish or seafood for lean protein which doesn’t leave you feeling bloated and heavy.
  4. Leafy greens – a great source of plant based iron and Vitamin k for bone health, leafy greens also help regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation and bloating. Choose from rocket, kale, lettuce or spinach.
  5. Herbs and spices – again mix it up and have fun adding different flavours to meals. Choose from fresh or dried herbs such as parsley, rosemary, thyme and basil or spices such as turmeric, paprika, coriander and cumin. Different herbs and spices have different benefits such as reducing inflammation and bloating or boosting metabolism, immunity, cognitive function and cardiovascular health.

Of course, if you’re thinking about how to get back on track or even to start a new regime after the Summer, why not join my FREE Autumn Reset which starts on 9th September – click here for details.