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Getting the family onboard with healthy eating.

Stress, work schedules, budget constraints and picky eaters can all get in the way of your good intentions! 

Plus, in my own family no one can agree on what to eat some nights!

One parent may be following a specialty diet, toddlers throw a tantrum at the sight of broccoli and teens just want to eat on their own schedule.

While it can feel overwhelming, a little planning and flexibility can make midweek cooking so much smoother.

Here are some tips for simple family nutrition planning.

1. Don’t strive for Masterchef perfection! Keep it simple and consider quick swaps that up level the nutrition without re-creating the whole dish, such as brown rice for white rice.

2. Make healthy eating about wellness, not weight loss, especially with young, impressionable family members to encourage a healthy relationship with food.

3. Eat together when you can. Studies show that children in families where they eat together have more vegetables and fruit.

4. Prepare vegetables for healthy snacks. Having these foods ready in the fridge means everyone is more likely to eat them.

5. Make one meal for everyone but ensure there is at least one element of the meal the each family member enjoys.