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Holiday Hacks to Stay on Track

We all deserve to enjoy our holidays and relax the rules for a little while.

These little hacks will help you avoid completely undoing all your hard work and mean you should manage to more or less stay on plan while on holiday.

1. No snacking between meals

2. At buffet breakfast, go once and take an amount similar to what you would normally eat at home for breakfast

3. Breakfast – focus on protein (eggs, fish, meat) and fruit/veg

4. Lunch – aim to have a salad with fresh fish or meat

5. Dinner – if you want 2 courses, go for 2 starters and add a side salad to make the main enough. Again, opt for fresh protein and salad or vegetables. Avoid mindless picking at the bread basket.

6. You could take protein powder if you think there are some days you could do that for breakfast or lunch?

7. Stick to your supplement routine

8. Keep an eye on alcohol consumption – opt for red wine or spirits with light mixers and try to keep alcohol to one meal time to avoid mindless drinking throughout the day.

9. Write your plan and save it on your phone as a regular reminder!!

10. Finally, relax. You’re only on holiday for a short period of time. Enjoy yourself and when you get home, get back on plan.