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Holidaying long haul? Here are my top tips for better travels.

holiday health travel

We all love to travel, especially to long haul destinations, but this can mean many hours spent at altitude in pressurised cabins. The key to feeling our best upon arrival is understanding the effects this has on our physiology so we can reduce the impact for better health outcomes, both whilst on vacation and longer term.

Firstly, it is important to understand what happens to our bodies on long haul flights.

Our circadian rhythm becomes interrupted, causing ‘jet lag’. Our natural body clock regulates everything from mental state to appetite and this falls out of sync with the time at the destination we are traveling to. The lack of natural light exposure on the plane compounds the effects of jet lag. Travelling east is harder than travelling west, as this also disrupts circadian homeostasis. In theory, we need one day to adapt for each hour of time zone difference between where we are travelling from and to.

Travelling at altitude leads to a reduction in blood oxygen saturation causing lethargy, mental fog and even headaches. Blood also starts to accumulate in our extremities causing swelling and increased risk of DVT.

Cabin air is very dry, leading to dehydration. Furthermore, as the gases in our bodies expand, we experience bloating.

Finally, there is a much greater exposure to infections and toxins because the confined cabin space is ideal for germs to spread. The increased exposure to toxins is from the pollution of the jet engines as well as the higher radiation levels found at altitudes.

Of course, every ‘body’ is different and understanding our individual detoxification and hormonal signalling capabilities can help further personalise our approach to reducing the impact of travel on our immediate health as well as our longevity.

This is why, for seasoned travellers, genetic testing and even testing for toxic load in the body can be really beneficial. Understanding where your body needs particular support and addressing areas of weakness can reap real rewards over the longer term.

In terms of what to do before, during and immediately after your flight, there are some simple and very effective ways to reduce the short-term impact of these health hazards.

In the 24 hours before you travel, stop drinking caffeine and alcohol, and increase your water intake to reduce pre-dehydration. Eat a light, protein-packed, unprocessed meal before your flight to ensure steady energy and to avoid overloading the digestive system. Taking some cardio-based exercise can help fatigue your muscles and ready the body for the sedentary hours ahead. Finally, a good night’s sleep before flying to reduce the impact of jet lag

During your flight, wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothes and move at least once every hour for 5 minutes to encourage blood flow and energise the brain. Stretching, even from your seat, will further improve blood flow and reduce the risk of DVT and cramping

Avoid alcohol (you will feel the effects much quicker due to altitude) and drink a glass of water every hour to stay sufficiently hydrated. Limiting foods to whole foods that are low in salt and sugar will reduce bloating and spikes in blood insulin.

Eat at regular intervals rather than grazing and keep portions small as your digestive system slows down at altitude. 

To protect your skin, apply an organic moisturiser and use essential oils such as an oregano oil for your hands to reduce toxin and germ exposure.

Change your watch by one hour every hour until you reach the time at your destination to help your circadian rhythm adjust smoothly. If you are flying overnight, consider natural sleep aids such as ashwagandha or magnesium to help you have a restful sleep. 

Upon arrival, if it is daytime, it is helpful to get outside so you get some sunlight on your face. Alternatively, if it is night-time, go to bed. Adapting to local time as quickly as possible will limit the impact on your circadian rhythm. You can also consider adding foods that help eliminate toxins from the body such as coriander or parsley to help combat pollution and radiation exposure.