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How to level-up your morning coffee

Coffee is probably the most popular drink and many of us enjoy a cup or two most days. But how can you level up your coffee to make it work for you?

Firstly, should you be going decaf? This depends on you. If you’re not sleeping too well, are feeling anxious or stressed, a decaf is probably going to be better for you. Even though you think the caffeine will help ‘keep you going’, the way we break down caffeine actually means this could be counter-productive, increasing anxiety and inhibiting sleep.

Now, what milk are you adding? Again, this is very individual. Most people tend to become slightly or entirely intolerant to lactose, the sugar in dairy, as they get older. In this case, a non-dairy milk may be preferable. Oat milk is creamier but if you are insulin resistant or diabetic, it may not be the best option as it can spike blood sugar. Always opt for an unsweetened dairy alternative and be aware that the options in most coffee shops are highly sweetened. If you are having milk, are you going for skimmed, semi-skimmed or full fat? Skimmed is higher in sugar (because the fat has been removed) and, although we tend to avoid full fat, at only 5% fat, it’s not actually high fat. In fact, the fat content may make the coffee more satiating.

Of course, you want to avoid adding sugar, artificial sweeteners or syrups to your coffee. These add unnecessary calories and spike your blood sugar, making you hungrier.

Non-organic coffee is often full of toxins and chemicals that can affect detox and hormone balance. Whereas a good quality organic coffee can be packed with antioxidants and offer some health benefits.

Have you noticed how European coffee houses always serve a glass of water with your coffee? Coffee is actually very dehydrating so make sure you drink two glasses of water for every cup of coffee.

Finally, do consider other healthy hot drink options. Green tea, herbal teas, hot water with lemon and ginger and even a good old-fashioned cup of English breakfast are all great alternatives.