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How to snack and stay on track.

So much of our day centres around food, right?

But you can still enjoy a snack without ruining your healthy eating intentions.

You should be aiming for 3 meals a day plus a snack. 

I tend to enjoy my snack mid-afternoon but you can save it for after dinner if you find you are not hungry between lunch and dinner.

The rules to good snacking:

1. Plan 3 well-balanced meals a day. Ensure there is a portion of protein and some vegetables/fruit/salad with each meal. Make sure you are eating enough at these meals to satiate you and keep you going until your next meal.

2. Drink more water! If you are hungry between meals, try a large drink of water or a mug of herbal tea. We often confuse thirst with hunger.

3. Snacks are “mini meals”. Instead of thinking of a snack as a sweet treat, consider it a mini meal and plan what you will be eating in the same way – so focus again on protein and plants,

4. If you are tempted to go ‘off plan’ wait 10 minutes. If you still want that piece of cake or bag of crisps, have it. enjoy it and then get back on plan for the rest of the day. Don’t use it as an excuse to sabotage your good intentions!