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Keep trying and never give up.

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Keep trying and never give up.

Every day, you make decisions to resist temptations in the quest for a healthier, happier life. Whether it’s turning down a portion of chips, dragging yourself to the gym or passing on another round of cocktails, your willpower is tested on a daily basis.

Limited willpower is often quoted as a main reason for not maintaining a healthy diet and research supports this idea. A study at the University of Pennsylvania found, for example, that children with better self-control wereless likely to become overweight as they transitioned to adolescence, thanks to their ability to control impulses and delay gratification.

It’s clear that willpower is a necessary component of healthy eating. In an environment where unhealthy (and tempting) food choices are everywhere, resisting temptation is likely to affect your willpower, chipping away at your resolve.

Yet overeating behaviors are complex, with numerous psychological reasons behind them. We can overeat when depressed, bored, angry or when we want to ‘self sabotage’ and test our own willpower.

We’re bombarded with ads for high-calorie treats. Fast, cheap, processed food is readily available 24 hours a day, seven days a week — and often costs less than healthier options.

But don’t give up on yourself. You deserve a healthier, happier you.

Trying for 5 minutes

Take 5 minutes to visualise what you are trying to achieve – is it a weight loss goal? A healthy lifestyle? Body fat reduction? Whatever your reasons and your goals are personal to you. Hold on to that image and remember that nothing will feel as good as that feeling of achievement and pride when you reach your goals.

Keep trying. Never give up.

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