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One to One
Personalised Support

One to one nutrition and health coaching. Functional and holistic support for your health and wellness goals.
Weight loss and intensive coaching packages available.

What is personalised nutrition support?

Personalised nutrition support puts YOU at the centre of your nutrition planning.

Perhaps you are fed up of feeling bloated and sluggish at the end of the day. Or you are struggling with chronic pain and inflammation you just have to ‘put up with’.

Maybe you have unresolved digestive issues such as constipation and IBS. Are you struggling with anxiety, low mood, stress, fatigue?

Why don’t cookie-cutter diets work? Because you are unique and the way your body digests, absorbs and utilises the foods you eat is unique.

On a molecular level, your genes dictate how your body processes food and carries out millions of crucial actions every day that greatly impact how you feel. This is totally unique to you.

Furthermore, your diet, stress levels, sleep quality, digestion, exercise, movement and more all impact your wellbeing. From absorption of essential nutrients, to building proteins and neurotransmitters.  From detoxing harmful toxins, to balancing hormones and weight management.

healthy food diet weight loss coaching hormones bloating meal plan

This is a totally holistic and comprehensive approach to nutrition and weight loss, using evidence-based science and natural whole foods and supplements to create a personalised and unique plan for YOU.

Feel empowered to put your own health back on the top of your agenda


Consultation Options

Please note: Consultations are either in clinic at Centennial Medical Care in Elstree, NW London or via Zoom


Complimentary (book a free call to chat about we can work together)

Initial Consultation
with Plan


  • Initial Consultation (75 Mins)

  • Personalised plan – includes nutrition, lifestyle and supplements as appropriate

  • Follow up call to check in

(follow ups priced at £95) 

8 Week Package


  • 1 Initial consultation (60mins)

  • 7 weekly follow up consultations (30mins)

  • Personalised 8 week journey through your own online programme and daily whats app coaching and support

  • Full Year’s Membership access (includes recipe library)

Functional Testing Available

See here for Test Menu