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Supporting Healthy Skin

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  • 2 min read

The skin is the biggest organ in the body responsible for protecting us and acting as an important path of elimination of toxins and by-products of everyday cell renewal.
Winter plays havoc on our skin and by now the months of central heating and cold weather are starting to show. 
Maybe your skin is feeling drier or more oily. Perhaps you’re finding you are suffering with break-outs or your eczema has flared up.
These are all common complaints in clinic so I wanted to share my top tips for healthy, younger-looking, blemish-free skin.

  1. Drink plenty of water – water helps flush out toxins and support healthy detox.
  2. Ditch the dairy and sugar. Diary in pro-inflammatory when it comes to skin and high sugar intake leads to insulin peaks which drive skin conditions and inhibit healing.
  3. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit for essential antioxidants to keep skin clear and bright.
  4. Include sufficient healthy fats to plump the skin and keep the skin cells healthy.
  5. Be mindful of the skincare and make up products you use. I like to use organic, vegan products where possible to reduce toxins and nourish the skin.
  6. Consider some skin-based supplements to support the skin from within. Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Omega 3 are all good considerations, There are also some great products on my website for acne and problem skin, as well as ones that promote younger-looking skin with nutrients such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid for a smooth, wrinkle-free complexion.

I have created a skin health meal plan for you of skin-friendly recipes and snacks to get you inspired in the kitchen. You can access it via the link HERE.

If you would like to discuss your own skin goals feel free to get in touch. I offer a one-off skin masterclass session for £60 where we put a personalised plan in place just for you based on your own skin needs encompassing nutrition, supplements, skincare and lifestyle tips for a truly comprehensive approach.

All my favourite skin supplements are available on this website under Recommended Products.