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Top 5 Tips for Weight Loss

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  • 2 min read

While I don’t focus on weight loss with clients as my goal is always to emphasise wellness and self-care over following a set of numbers on the scales, I do understand that for many of us, our weight is intrinsically linked to our perception of how happy we are. We feel if we ‘just lose those 10lbs, everything else will fall into place’.

Although I would encourage clients to focus on nourishment, positivity and love of self, there is no denying the impact of feeling overweight can have on us.

So, here are my 5 top tips for healthy, sustainable weight loss that promotes wellbeing over quick fixes.

  1. Plan a sensible daily routine and stick to it. You should be having three balanced meal and maybe 1 snack daily. Plan a fasting window of 12 hours at least overnight.
  2. Eat protein with every meal. Protein promotes satiety and provides vital nutrients without spiking blood sugar.
  3. Ensure half your meals are vegetables and mix them up for different colours and textures.
  4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins. We often confuse thirst with hunger so if you are peckish between meals, try a glass of water or a herbal tea.
  5. Cut out anything that is high in sugar or refined flour – white bread, white pasta, biscuits – you know these are just offering no nutritional benefit and making it hard for you to lose that muffin top.

Try these tips consistently for 10 days and then you can start to add more healthy habits in to your nutrition planning to consolidate your progress and maintain a healthy weight loss rate.

For more advice or to find out about my coaching support to help you reach your goals, book a call with me via the website.